Bunk beds: the proposals from Nidi


Having bunk beds in your bedroom is every child's dream. In fact, this type of bed is the perfect solution for your requirements and those of your child.

Bunk beds use all the height of the room so you free up space to put a wardrobe, desk and bookshelves and also space for your children to play.

Nidi, a design project from Battistella, originated in 2013 and proposes a vast range of bunk beds.
Models with steps or different levels, with pull-out beds or sliding desks.

Below are some examples.

Blog IDW - Bunk beds: the proposals from Nidi

Blog IDW - Bunk beds: the proposals from Nidi

Blog IDW - Bunk beds: the proposals from Nidi

Blog IDW - Bunk beds: the proposals from Nidi