Lighting is very important in your home!


Sometimes you simple need perfect lighting to change the soul of your interiors.
Today we are talking about two brands we handle, there are many spaces to find inspiration to enhance your home.

This company started business in 1981; from the family business of handling glass, Vesoi blown glass lighting was created. Preserving the artisan's care in production, over the years, the company has perfected and widened their range of lighting. Increasing specialization and exploration of new lighting concepts has allowed them to become a successful business, with strong production, quality and design and a brand which is recognized in the sector.

At the foundations of this brand's reputation is its sartorial approach to indoor lighting; scrupulous attention to detail, finish and functionality. Chosen and trusted by international architects and interior and lighting designers, it also puts its experience into the Contract sector with flexibility and eclecticism, becoming a preferred supplier to the most well-known, international hotel groups.