Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours


To think that colours are only decorative and ornamental elements is now an outdated belief; more and more architects and designers are choosing to use colour as a real furnishing element. Why?

Colours are not only able to give style and character to your rooms, but can also be used to define the interior spaces of a flat, thus assigning the most suitable colour to each room. Even within a single space, we can decide to use different colours and therefore create different situations, for example, we could think of creating reading and relaxing corner within the living area.

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In the photo, we see how inside a room where green predominates, two elements with warm and natural shades have been inserted to create a reading area. The Novamobili chair with its colours creates a pleasant contrast with the wall without becoming a disturbing element, but on the contrary, warming the room and creating the perfect atmosphere to read an excellent book in peace.

Always choosing colours in a studied and thought out way, we can decide to create clear transitions from one room to another or more delicate transitions that fade from one place to another. In this way, we not only distinguish the different areas of the house but also create different atmospheres.

Using colours for your furniture means creating a personal world within the walls of your home, a world that every day welcomes you and guides you into a comfortable sensory experience.

Among the rooms most subject to this type of furnishing we certainly have the living area and the bedroom. Let's see now some examples.

Living area

The most commonly used colours in living rooms are all the neutral ones, from white to ivory, beige and all the different shades and nuances.

If your living room is part of this colour palette and you are fed up with what to do and add colour with a table, chairs, or why not a new sofa. 

For example, look at the touch of yellow given by the Cliff table by Novamobili in the living room below. Yellow is an intense colour that allows you to create different contrasts, some very sharp and others, as in this case, more harmonious.

It is a joy for the view, that touch of yellow gives liveliness to the environment making it brighter and more welcoming.

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

If you prefer pastel colours, you might find the living room in the picture below, inspiring. A delicate and elegant shade of green has been chosen to create two different but contiguous environments in a single space. A darker green has also been inserted in the lower part of the living room furniture; this highlights the delicacy of the softer greens chosen for the armchair and some other furnishing accessories. 

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

Another colour combination that we like to describe as delicately contrasting is the one between blue and pink. A variety that could be taken for granted but the shades of blue and pink that we can have today are many, and so are the contrasts that can be created with these two colours.

Novamobili also offers a blue and light blue wall system combined with two armchairs in the same shades and contrast to a pastel pink sofa.

A light effect that does not go unnoticed, mainly because the contrast is brought out by a rough white wall that brings out every colour.

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

Night Zone

The bedroom also lends itself well to a furnishing whose protagonist is the colour and today we show you two alternatives based on the contrast between hot and cold, proposing different variants of blue and yellow.

The first one, lighter for the eyes, features a beautiful Oggioni bed in shades of blue. Contrasts are created with furnishing and decorative accessories in warm shades of yellow. In particular, we see a very intense shade of yellow combined with a lighter shade of blue.

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

Different the effect that is created in the room of the photo below. The neutral tonality of the Oggioni bed aims to bring attention to the blue details, highlighted by the yellow of the armrests of the chair. A genuinely distinctive atmosphere for a bedroom.

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

The bathroom

The bathroom is also a great place to dare with colours. The fact that it is one of the least lived-in rooms in the house allows us to choose strong and bright colours without the fear of getting bored too quickly.
Be careful though; the bathroom is the wellness and relaxation area of the house, it exaggerates with cunning!

Below are two stunning compositions by Puntore, different from each other but both fascinating.

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

Blog IDW - Furnishing your home using the right mix of colours

Now that you have seen how it is possible to combine, mix and match colours to create a customised furnishing, all you have to do is choose your favourite colours and furnish your home.

Read also How to choose the right colours for your flat