
Although the primary advice is to try to select the ornaments that we love most, in line with the style chosen for our home, for a rich personality, one of the first questions that arise spontaneously when we talk about ornaments is: "Can I explain everything that do I like it and it is given to me, or do I have to select only a few things?”. Surely too many objects, perhaps all of different styles, placed at random and all together, would risk recreating a chaotic, messy and confusing atmosphere, thus obtaining the opposite effect of an ideal representation of our personality. However, trying to make at least a minimum of selection, there are some methods to be able to manage objects of different styles.

A primary rule from which to start is grouping: if our personality is colorful and we have many themes that we are passionate about, we could think, obviously always taking into account the style of the environment in which we decide to insert the various knick-knacks, to group coherent objects between them in an area, for example in a showcase, in a corner bookcase, in recessed spaces in the wall, in a wall with a sideboard and shelves on different levels or more simply in a small corner of a shelf, trying however to isolate that group of objects, possibly by applying a tray or a riser under them.



Another dispassionate advice is to play with the heights: if the space available in our home is not very vast, but we still want to arrange the ornaments in a harmonious and characteristic way, working on the heights could be an excellent solution. If we have no idea where to start, remember that the basic rule of the game of heights is to recreate triangles, i.e. make sure that the arrangement on different levels, if you start from a single base, such as a shelf for example, recreates the shape of a triangle, placing the smallest and least visible objects to form the base and the taller or larger ones at the top, adapting them behind them in perspective. Obviously, we could also think of playing with heights in a direct way, for example by using books or caskets as real boosters, on which to arrange the various objects of the same style.


When we furnish, or rather decorate, a space, we must remember to mix textures, from wood, to shiny, rough to something soft and fluffy, so as to avoid flattening the environment, making it boring and uninteresting, of course without exaggerating, otherwise you would risk getting the opposite effect. The same goes for the shapes, of various geometries, soft, rigid and irregular. However, it is different for the colors: in this case we should try, in addition to respecting the colors of the environment in which we insert the objects, to group those with shades in harmony or with complementary colors.


The last piece of advice, not least in importance, is to play between empty and full spaces, since empty spaces constitute a sort of visual rest, so as to leave a breather between one composition and another and to bring out more the various groups of ornaments created, emphasizing the style and details.