Built-in or freestanding refrigerator?



The built-in refrigerator is so called because it is designed to be built into a column compartment in our kitchen and can be installed by fixing the cabinet door to the refrigerator door, using its hinges, or by anchoring the cabinet door to the door through a rail that allows the sliding opening of the doors.
Surely this solution makes it possible to perfectly integrate the refrigerator with the rest of the furniture in our kitchen, since when the compartment is closed, the perfect alignment with the other doors gives our culinary environment continuity and a truly exciting aesthetic advantage.


Unlike what is believed, the built-in fridge has a lifespan similar to the freestanding one, from the moment in which its design is specifically studied to meet its needs. This solution, therefore, requires proper ventilation, i.e. the presence of a custom-made piece of furniture, open at the back and equipped with slots that allow air to circulate, otherwise there would be the risk of overheating our appliance.


A disadvantage of the built-in fridge is that it has to be replaced when it breaks down, because production of the existing model is often interrupted after a long time, and it is difficult to find another one of the same size, resulting in the need to make changes to the compartment. column.
Unlike the free-standing refrigerator, the volume of the built-in one is often lower, even if, by now, this discrepancy is being overcome thanks to the innovative proposals on the market, of XL models.



A free-standing refrigerator is certainly easier to move and place, characterized by a very simple installation via a power socket and guaranteeing greater freedom of choice in its positioning.


The freestanding one is generally more capacious than the built-in one. This solution gives us the opportunity to range over many design models of various styles and different colors, shapes and details.
Today the market offers alternatives of different surfaces, such as stainless steel, black steel or glass, always in various color ranges.


Furthermore, let's not forget that today there are free-standing, hyper-technological solutions of various kinds: we can find freestanding refrigerators with single door or double door, American style. They are often equipped with a truly unique touch of design, such as, for example, the water or ice dispenser on one of the doors, or in any case on the front of the refrigerator.


The only disadvantage could be found with the choice of an excessively large solution for the size of the environment at our disposal, since it would take up space for any support surfaces and make the surface of our kitchen less usable and, consequently, decidedly less functional.