
First of all, it would be good to specify that there are different types of wooden beams that can characterize our ceilings: from laminated wood, to solid wood, to the very simple fake wood beams. (To find out more, take a look at our blog on exposed wooden beams Obviously, if we are faced with solid wood beams, typical of rustic houses, maintenance will be slightly more delicate, since they are more subject to cracking and, consequently, threatened by sticky resin, which may need to be removed with great delicacy.


However, generally, proper cleaning of wooden beams is essential in order to keep them intact and impeccable over time. The first step to start from, when we try to clean wooden beams, is certainly the removal of dust: even if nobody thinks about it since we usually walk on the floors and not on the ceilings, in addition to removing the dust with a special duster, it is really very useful to vacuum up wooden beams and ceilings (in general it is advisable to carry out this action on any ceiling), helping us with a small nozzle for the more tricky points, so as to remove the dust and dirt that accumulates in the time.


Unlike common floors, except for parquet, which are used to being washed with a rag, wood does not get along well with water, as it could swell and ruin it, as well as causing the formation of halos and stains in the wood. Therefore, if we are faced with excessively dirty beams, it would be good to contact a professional. However, a possible solution could be to use a slightly damp microfibre cloth (possibly one that does not release hateful lint to remove) to remove stubborn dust, leaving the windows open for many hours, thus making sure to let the beams dry perfectly. avoiding humidity problems.


As regards maintaining the vividness of the wood and any problems of aging or deterioration caused by woodworm, the key word is hydration: an anti-woodworm oil could prevent any unpleasant attacks and, once dried, thanks to the fact that the pores of the wood will thus be open, we subsequently recommend the application of natural oils, absolutely non-aggressive, capable of hydrating the wood in the best possible way, giving it shine and reducing the sense of aging to the eye.


Finally, once the natural oil we have applied has dried completely and perfectly, we could think of repainting it with protective products based on beeswax, which give our beams an innovative and shiny air.
