6 pieces of advice on furnishing a small living room


1. The colour of the living room walls is very important; choose light colours and pastel tones because they will make the room seem larger.

2. Lighting, lighting and more lighting! The more natural the better. Create points of light in strategic places and choose lights and lamps carefully, so that they do not take up too much space.

3. A sofa which is too big can oppress an interior but you can also make this element the focus of the room.

4. Doing away with the classic living room coffee table is not always an option,  this is why we are suggesting that you have a look at Seven Novamobili's coffee tables.

5. No bulky furniture; the choice of elements to furnish your small living room should focus on small, practical pieces of furniture.

6. Moving on from the physical space available, try to make the space seem bigger using light colours for heavier furniture, such as the TV unit and the coffee table shelf. In the corner of the sofa, you can create some movement by adding some white or light-coloured cushions